spiritual leadership

My homework this month as I start New Staff Training is to read a book called,"Spiritual Leadership" by J. Osawald Sanders. What seemed like a too-serious cum boring topic to delive into became a thought provoking learning experience, making my dreaded trips to and from home on that bumpy bus 30 more enjoyable.

Like to extract a memorable quote by Samuel Brengle (leader in Salvation Army):

"(Spiritual Leadership)..is not won by promotion, but by many prayers and tears. It is attained by confession of sin, and much heartsearching and humbling before God; by self surrender, a courageous sacrifice of every idol; a bold uncomplaining embrace of the cross, and by an eternal, unfaltering look unto Jesus crucified. It is not gained by seeking great things for ourselves, but like Paul, by counting those things gained to us as loss for Christ. This is a great price, but it must be paid by the leader who would not merely a nominal but a real spiritual leader of men, a leader whose power is recognised and felt in heaven, and in hell."


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