a battle

Bukit Chandu is a place I've never heard before until a few weeks ago. Located within Kent Ridge Park in an "ulu" part of Pasir Panjang, it is a tranquil corner filled with historic nostalgia. After you climb up the steep slope (and it is really uphill), you'll find a musuem that contains remnants of the brave battle between the Japanese and Singapore in 19th century. It may remind you of Fort Siloso in Sentosa. But for me it told me a little more as I read a poem written by Edwin Thumboo, an Eurasian or British soldier whom I believe, knew what went on during the bloody and horrific battle on the hill. Imagine with me a commander of a troop trudging through the dry and steep hills and jungles of Bukit Chandu. In the stills of night, with a little flame on the table perhaps, he penned this piece of poetry...(only an excerpt here)

Deep rumbling guns, sharp whistling in the air
Their shells rip in to chum our earth
Then attacks propelled by fury. Yet no despair,
No crack in our resolve.
Freedom's worth the blood we shed.

Our cause is just
Sacrifice will never be in vain.
Ta'at Setia we hold our hill, WE MUST.
Come comrades, our spirits soar again
The enemy are many, we are few
At one strategic point they boldy came
Across a stream, up ravines.

We may yield the moment
Never the self
A soldier's oath, solemn made is deep
With duty, honour, the fellowship of life itself
There we cherish
As companions of our memories
As guardians of our sleep

-Edwin Thumboo

So it is with the Christian life, isn't it a battle sometimes? Perhaps it is a warfare of thoughts. Like what am I thinking about the person across me? Or a battle of emotions. Whatever it is, may the old rugged cross, "an emblem of suffering and pain" remind us - both in heart and mind the cost of victory.


hihi my dear sis,

stumbled into your blog, thru qingwen's which i came across thru' zhaofeng's (my church youth in np, in his dg)...

anyway, tat's not main point.
just want to let you know... u mentioned abt edwin thumboo & had 1 of his poems on your blog. i call him uncle edwin or prof...

eh...uncle edwin is lecturing at nus; e lit. he has another poem at the merlion (near fullerton 1 there). think he wrote some of these b4 he prc.

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