lessons from '04

In the usual twinkling of an eye, we have crossed from 'last year' to 'this year'. I was on the bus this morning when I thought about that and decided to flip through my journal that has been filled with thoughts and lessons learnt from my quiet time. I found some nuggets of wisdom that I've digged from some books, articles and mostly the bible. So, here goes some extracts from the pages of yesteryear...

7 Aug
I learnt that celebration is not just a pompous show or hype about God but an ongoing inner decision to pray and give thanks, to take joy at simple things in life and intentionally giving thanks to our awesome God!

23 Aug
Sow your seed in the morning,
and at the evening let not your hands be idle,
for you do not know which will succeed,
whether this or that
or whether both will do equally well - Ecc 11:6

29 Oct
God allows me to go through 'storms' in life but not without His knowledge and help. 'Storms' are to be expected and they are not out of God's goodness and blessings. So, expect to ride throught he storms with God.


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