Following Jesus

Whenever I get discouraged or worn out in ministry, I'll look back at what God has done. I like to click on "My Pictures" and scroll through the photos of students taken before. Recalling the faces and things I did together with the students never fail to rekindle that sometimes weak and flickering flame in me. Here are some pictures down memory lane - marks of God's faithfulness!

1.This is our first RP (Republic Poly) Outing at East Coast this year!

2.A LIFE Meeting at Temasek Polytechnic, where students gather to praise God!

3.My first birthday celebration with students at Temasek Polytechnic..

4.Sending the first mission trip team from RP off to Thailand..

The past month has been a challenging one, I often find myself crying for help, or simply longing for rest in His care. I read in "Seizing your Divine Moment" (Erwin Raphael McManus) that "To follow Jesus is to enter the unknown, to relinquish security, and to exchange certainty for confidence in Him." I prefer the 'known', the 'security' and 'certainty' really. But I think I'd still follow Jesus, cos I know I won't regret it when I look back.


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