it's been a while

'Metamorphosis' kept me so busy the past couple of months. But I'm so encouraged that about 12 students from Temasek and Republic Poly attended the student conference. It was a first for many of the freshies. And I believe a life-changing experience for them. As they delved deeper into the book of Colossians, I believe they were being "Rooted and Built Up", which is the theme of this year's conference! They feedbacked that they enjoyed the theological equipping courses they took like Christology, Salvation and Christian Life. Please pray along with me that the students will continue to be rooted deeply in God's Word while being built up in their walk in Him.

On a more personal note, Dad gave me a shock when he said he had quit his job. I wondered why he did that, and I think besides the job itself, it might be because of his health. For some time, he has been having gastric problems. More recently, high blood pressure. He's lost some weight as well. I'm praying and trusting God to heal him. Meanwhile, I need to just do my best to persuade him to see a doctor and see how. Well he still wants to find another job, though I'm not so keen on that. BUt I'm praying that God will provide just the right job for him. Something not too tough, and with nice people to work with too.

Ministry in Republic and Temasek Poly is gaining strength and momentum, praise God! I'm sometimes overwhelmed with all the buzz.. it's really great, but in the midst it's easy to lose focus. So, do pray for me to keep focused on following Jesus, for that is what He has called me to. "Come follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matt 4:19


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