an exciting Gen 12II

When the team started preparing for Gen 12II, the destination changed from Thailand to West Malaysia to Laos. I was really stressed. But not my students. They are they most 'zai' teens I've ever met! I thank God for them.

We started raising support, collecting old clothes, discussed about how to teach the children in the villages. As I worry about things undone, His presence was my strength. "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" Ps 8:3

(here's us lying on the heap of old clothes)
On 18th Mar, we said our goodbyes and boarded the plane. The flight was delayed for a few hours and we missed our connecting flight. We stayed a night in Bangkok and reached Laos the next morning. Whew, I really learnt to trust the Lord in times of changes and waiting. This is His mission trip, not mine.

Buffalos, boars and chickens crossed the road. No traffic lights, lines nor street lamps for most of the way. The tallest building was the two-storey kampung house with thatched roofs. Kids ran about, with torn shirts or none.

For 6 days we shuttled between two village schools and taught the children A to Z as well as simple English. We taught in classrooms that had just tables and benches. No lights, fans nor OHPs. But it was simply fun teaching with home-made flip charts, games and even dancing. We had the most responsive lot of kids staring at us, and shouting alphabets everyday.

Though we could not share the gospel openly with the children, we kept telling them “God bless you!” in Laos. With discretion, we shared about God with the village teachers, the kampung headman and the driver. Before we left, we organised a carnival where we gave out the old clothes and toys as gifts and prizes.

There weren’t any decisions for Christ but I believe seeds of God’s love were sown. CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) whom we partnered in this mission trip is continuing the ministry in the villages by setting up English tuition centers.

God has been our light, help and shield. It's amazing to witness His work in and through us, even in "ulu" places, praise Him! Here's some feedback from the students.

“I learnt to be thankful for what I have.” Floren, SP

“Being a Christian in Singapore is a blessing as Christians in Laos are being discriminated.” Jianhao, SP

“Relying on God’s strength at all times.” Charlton, RP


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