courage to follow

I watched "Braveheart" on DVD last week. It was an awesome, inspiring story of William Wallace (played by Mel Gibson) whom fought with courage and passion for freedom for his country. He was betrayed by Scottish nobles whom were bribed with more land and cattle. Tragically, he died in the hands of the English. But his courage and passion inspired the Scottish to continue fighting and eventually gained their independence.

I wonder sometimes if it was easier to live comfortably but mediocre-ly, or to live with challenges but with purpose.

As I face some challenges at home, I'm forced to choose the kind of life I want. Either way, a cost must be paid.

My prayer is that I'd have the courage and passion to follow Jesus, and live the life He intends for me to live.

"Jesus transforms each of us, not when we summon up the courage to be leaders, but when we commit to following Him... Eventually our lives are transformed from mediocrity to maturity, and we become what He intended for us all along." (Brave Enough to Follow, Stuart Briscoe)


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