It's Day 7

It's Day 7 of chicken pox and I've been at home every day.
Except for my back, spots on my face etc are drying up. The
only thing I find hard now is bearing with the itch.

I've been cooking my meals cos I can't eat alot of things.
Usually I stock up my dining table with biscuits and bread.
But the two men in my house don't. So today I was left
with a piece of bread to munch for my snack. (my Dad
just bought more bread;)

Miss cha siew bao, chicken chop, mee kia, fishballs,

Also miss people-my friends, my students,my family.

Besides sleeping, watching DVD, reading and cooking
I decided to pack my papers on my table and file them
up nicely. That has been rather tiring but fulfilling.

Today I found a magazine about Dr Bill Bright
(A life lived well)and I read an excerpt from a video
he prepared before his death.

"For those of you who know Jesus Christ personally I have
a word for you: Do not settle for mediocrity. You are a
child of the God of the universe. Surrender to Him.
Become His slave.."

Below is a video of Dr Bill Bright I showed to a group of
students during the camp last week. The song "I wouldn't
change a thing" described this spiritual giant's heart
of simple love and surrender to Jesus Christ.


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