
I've been picking up on simple O.I.A during my QT again, with much shame cos I've always told my students about it but I wasn't consistent. Yet, God's really gracious to still help me process His truth as I went back to the Word.

I was at Luke 10 (Parable of the Good Samaritan and the story of Martha and Mary) when some things came out at me.

A lawyer, testing Jesus and really trying to justify himself asked him what he should do to have eternal life. After Jesus answered him accordingly, quoting the Great Commandments- Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, strength; and to love your neighbour as you love yourself-he still asked, "And who is my neighbour?" Jesus then told him the story of the Good Samaritan. With that, Jesus exhorted him to go and show mercy, like the Good Samaritan.

The lawyer's questions was positioned clearly to justify his works. He probably was wondering if he had fallen in or out of the lines. But Jesus cleverly turned him to see it was not so much what he needed to do than what he needed to become- a man with mercy.

Looking bit down.. story of Martha and Mary. "But Martha was distracted with much serving.." Familiar and this time, for me, awfully. Yup I had been distracted. Admidst the transitions, changes. By what I needed to do-To be a good wife. To be a good daughter-in-law. To be a good daughter. To be a good staff. From what I needed to become.

I'm brought to see that I need to choose the "good portion" Luke 10:41 and not be "anxious and worried" unnecessarily. Not to lose sight of becoming what God intends while doing things for Him.

Learning and trying to apply truth in my life.


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