A Cup of Tea

"Can I get you to a cup of something while you stone?"

"Tea, thanks.."

It was after staff meeting. I felt so down. After lunch with Qingwen, I just didn't want to move. We were at the cafeteria on the 7th floor.

I felt better with the warm glass in my hands. But it was being able to pour out all the feelings in my heart - the fear, disappointment, discouragement, anger- to Qingwen that really helped to still the little storm in me.

Learning that it's ok to feel upset. And that some time to rest and talk is good.

Later that night, as I read the bible, I felt like God nudging me. "Why are you troubled and why do doubts arise in your hearts? See my hands and feet, that it is I myself. Touch me and see." Luke 24:38

A sense of peace came over me. It felt like tea warming my heart.


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