10 day adventure, without Hubby

Dear is finally back from his 10 day trip in US! When he came back yesterday and I shared stuff I went through while he was away, I thought- what an adventure!

On the day he left (8th Sep), I went out to have dinner with my brother and spent like the whole night waiting with him at Singtel Hello shop (so that I can transfer ownership of Mobile Broadband to him) only to find that actually my contract was ending and he could just apply for his own, anyway. Duh

On Thu, I received an sms from one of my ex disciples asking if I was free for dinner. I didn't usually hear from her so I was glad we could hang out. We had a great time at a Jap steamboat restaurant at marina Sq. Yummy soup. What was really interesting was on my way there on bus 10, a Korean business man whom was sitting beside me started to talk to me. I was reading a book "God-Discover His Character" by Dr Bill Bright. He was curious about the book. And it turned out he was a Christian too! He knew about Campus Crusade for Christ, had friends back in Korea serving there. He was passionate about making business God's way and for God's purposes. His company was called Kairos International, and I thought that was so kairos!

After dinner, on our way home, we met a fellow ex colleague, and he shared with me that his pre-believing Mum was starting to read the Bible on her own! My heart was so warmed to hear that:)

Feeling a little too surprised by those wonderful encounters, I could not believe what would happen the next day. Suddenly, I was asked by my cousin if I could attend his OCS commissioning at SAFTI. I readily agreed, cos I knew it meant alot to him. I had been praying for him and his family. What I didn'texpect was that i would go and spend like almost three hours talking to his girlfriend, whom is 10 years younger than me. Wow thank God for the time, that was I felt a divine appointment where I knew could lead to a sharing of my heart and the gospel in future.

Sunday. Unforgettable. I sat on my Dad-in-law's motorbike! He drove me to church, at a super super scary speed. And I was in a Hula dress. With a hand almost clenching his shoulder and the other holding on to my dress, I tried to really appreciate the ride. He was talking to me like throughout the ride.

I thought that should end my exciting weekend. Two days later however, something rather sad happened. I lost a necklace. And a day later, I lost my book and a warranty card which my Mum-in-law had asked me to help drop at the mail box. The necklace was not found, and though I still cherish a little hope, I knew it is nearly impossible. But amazingly, the book was returned, and the warranty card, in the weirdest way though.

My sis in law sms me two nights ago, and said someone found my book. Huh? How did she know? Apparently, the warranty card contained her details and the guy whom picked up the book contacted her. But cos she can't remember any card she wrote and did not lose any book, she had no idea what was going on! In fact she was worried about her particulars being around 'somewhere'.

Finally the mystery was solved when Mum told her about the book I lost as well as the warranty card. I apologized to her. And somehow, that whole episode made us talk to each other abit more. More ice seems to have broken between us. Still hopeful and praying that she will be open to the Lord.

Phew.. and actually I could go on a little more. But enough for mow. I'm beginning to see how God could use really anything, some free time, a prayer to work miracles and tell me how much He is working in my life, and those around me.


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