Stay close to Me (2)

Last Saturday,  I was at Mass Media (Crusade Bookstore) trying to get some materials for my Sunday School kids (and wishing secretly that I'd something for myself)  I saw this book called "31 Days Toward Intimacy with God" and decided to buy it for my soul.

And as I read through the introduction, it was as if God was saying.  "Stay close to Me- and this is what it means."

"When we suffer, we realize we are not handling theological ideas, we are rather being handled a Person-the warm and intimate Person of the Lord Jesus.  At other times, when life is rosier, we may slide by with knowing about Him.  With imitating Him and quoting Him and speaking of Him.  But only in the fellowship of suffering will we know Jesus.  We identify with Him at the point of His deepest humilitaion.  The cross, symbol of His greatest suffering, becomes our personal touchpoint with the Lord of the universe."~Joni Erickson Tada, 31 Days towards intimacy with God

Somehow, I felt a question answered, a burden lifted.  God understands.  Right here, right now.  In fact He has always understood.  He knew suffering, before I ever knew what it was.  And He is with me in my little 'suffering". That just makes me want to know Him more.. desperately.


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