A man and a boy

He was physically handicapped.  But during the praise and worship, he clapped his hands joyfully.  His head jerked uncontrollably sometimes but he was clearly enjoying himself in the church.  It was the first time he came after being invited by Qingwen yesterday.  He probably knew alot about Christianity but had not committed his life to Jesus.  Qingwen told me he was worried he was too "sinful" to be a Christian.  What a confession.

God amazed me again by bringing Willis, a boy whom came to Sunday School a long time ago last year and prayed and received Christ.  He had forgotten about the incident apparently.  But today, he came back with fresh questions about "baptism" and the significance of "sacrifice".  

A man on wheelchair and a boy looking for truth.  May they find their deepest and greatest need met by the Lord God who has been seeking them!


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