Christmas in Tokyo
A mission trip to Tokyo wasn't in my radar. But preparation for it went underway in October when I was assigned to lead it. I brought 9 students along on this trip. Qingwen was (thankfully) with me and so was Henry. It wasn't easy handling the different personalities and needs. But I believed the trip was divinely arranged as we squared off one another at different points of the trip. It was definitely a refresher in discipling students! The cold air ushered a whole new world for us as we stepped out of Narita Airport. After a two hr bus ride, we met our local staff host Sok Yee, whom is an amazing lady by the way. She handled our pre trip arrangemements with the hotel, church and many other nitty gritty details. I thank God for her. I ate my first Mc Pork at the Mac and loved it. We took the train to our hotel and that was the quietest ride I've ever experienced in my life. There seems to be an invisibe inst...