The Father's Hand

Tonight I attended a musical out up by my secondary school, called "The Father's Hand". Though I initially felt reluctant to go, I must say now that I did not regret it at all. It was definitely heartwarming to see and feel the familiar PL spirit of putting God first in everything we do. Today, as an adult looking back at the tradition that laid a foundation in my growth, I appreciate it very much. Because it was a bedrock that built my life. And I'm so relieved God put me in PL,despite my other preferences in the past.

The musical was about "Jena and the Israelites in their journey of faith, where they discover that their identity and purpose in life are in the Father's Hand." It drew on the human need for undersanding of one's existence and the desire to be feel important in others' eyes. In fact, I saw alot of myself in the characters played out. I'm like the Israelites, who got dis-illusioned and complained when there was no water. I was like Jena, the teenager who was trying to find a niche in life, where she would feel accepted and look important. Since young, I've often thought why I wasn't as talented, nor more pretty, or more gentle and more popular perhaps amongst others. In short I really had an identity problem.

This play has been a timely one that surfaced this identity problem, in which I'm still trying to come to terms with. I have to see that my sense of being and purpose in life rests in my Father's Hand. It is irrelevant of circumstances, people, and my stage of life, while at the same time, knowing that I'm in my Father's Hand calls for me to lay each circumstance, each person I meet, and each stage of my lfe unto His altar. It means to be obedient in whatever He has called me to.

I pray I may be like the catus woman in the play, the old wise lady who had faith in God and perservered through trials. Even when she is a cripple. Indeed the cactus represents something that would last through harsh weather and flourish, although it is ugly looking and not nice to touch.

A chorus from one of the songs in the musical:

When you look
In the mirror of His heart
You will see
Just how special you are
For you'll find beauty,
And glory, His destiny
He will show you
His purpose to be
more than you can be
He will give you wings
And you'll soar to the sky
If only you can see your life
Through His eyes

dear reader, may you rest in our Father's Hands!


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Ee Hwa

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