night before graduation

From choosing a dress to getting matching accessories-which is really just a necklace, asking people to come, getting my eyebrows trimmed and nails painted.. all the hurry and flurry of this "hiao":p lady has finally settled down, ready for a surprisingly big day for her.

No I'm not getting married. It's just that I'm graduating from new staff training. I never expected such a big occasion for this. Wow, imagine my whole cell gp turning up! And some supporters and students... aiyo I better not trip and fall over my heels haa

But you know the big thing about this big event is not me, not the nine of us graduating (by the way we got a cool name for ourselves -the J-walkers-) it's about Jesus, for Jesus, and to Jesus!

While I hope I'd look ok tmr (ok..i admit wo shi ai mei de ;p) what I really desire is that God will be glorified and that people who come will be excited by what He is doing in our lives and what He will do in each person seated in the auditorium!

Before that, I've to attend my cousin's ROM. It'll be a tight day tmr but I believe a fruitful day as I choose to do the Jesus walking:)


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