
Showing posts from December, 2007


Metamorphosis finally came and went. It ended last Fri night and though I was tired I was really glad. For each student who was there, esp the TP & RP Crusaders. For each lesson and thanksgiving shared by them. For those who went forward in response to God's call to full-time ministry. For their enthusiasm for God. Can't thank God enough for them! For me it was also a personal time to let the timeless truth of my identity in Christ sink deeper into my heart. It's strange how long some things take for me to get it. But I'm glad God is ever pursuing my heart and is in control of things. I took home from Dave Park's messages an assurance that God is real and that I can receive from Him His great love. And like a re-lighted candle, a renewed desire to reflect Christ in my life. May people see in me Christ, more than anything else I am or do.

I don't want to be

Been watching this MTV alot as I help out in a video for Metamorphosis . Great song, meaningful lyrics, interesting:)

running together

It's an experience one-of-a-kind. Sky's still dark. Everyone in running singlet and shorts. Stretching and tying shoe laces. And start. Crowds of people running along the roads, no cars. And breaking all traffic rules. 21.1K my second year at it. My goal- to finish it with Qingwen. Cos last year I left him hobbling mid-way when he had leg cramps. Sigh. So this year I promised never to leave him behind heh. We did good for the first half of the journey. But after 12K his legs started aching and cramping so we stopped to stretch n brisk walk. I egged him on, promising Macdonalds after the race. He said it was cheapo but anyway yay we crossed the finishing line! Sure, I was slower this year. But I learnt what it meant to put someone else's interest before mine. And it's a great experience. The medal I got meant twice more than it did last year. Praise God for the race! My legs ache but I'm so glad we completed it.